
0832– Smoke Aspiration System FAAST-LT

Highest sensitivity thanks to

laser smoke detectors

• Versions for one or two independent

pipe networks

• Versions for direct loop connection

with System Sensor/200AP protocol

or for conventional technology

• LED displays for air fl ow, light

obscuration, fault and alarm

• Parameterisation and system design

by means of PC software PipeIQ



The Smoke Aspiration System FAAST-LT serves for the
monitoring of one or two independent areas. Thanks
to the high response sensitivity of the integrated laser
smoke detectors, the system can be used for early fi re
detection in critical areas.
Via the pipe network, air is sampled from the monitored
room and directed to a highly sensitive laser smoke de-
tector, which analyses the air samples. The integrated
evaluation logic evaluates the smoke concentration and
already activates an alarm at an early stage of a fi re.
This alarm is visually indicated on the device and trans-
mitted to the fi re detection control panel.
The Smoke Aspiration System FAAST-LT is available in
several versions:
• for one pipe network – with one laser detector
• for one pipe network – with two laser detectors in
interdependence of two detectors, for highest de-
mands on the evaluation reliability
• for two pipe networks – with one laser detector
each per channel.
Each of these three versions is available either for di-
rect loop connection with System Sensor/200AP proto-
col or with relay outputs for connection in conventional
The smoke aspiration system has been certifi ed accor-
ding to the EN 54-20 Classes A, B and C and is es-
pecially intended for Class C applications. However,
the system is also very well suited for medium-sized
systems according to Class B and small systems accor-
ding to Class A.
At the front of the device, light emitting diodes indicate
the conditions operation, alarm, pre-alarm and various
faults. In addition, multi-segment LED displays indicate
the relative air fl ow separately for each channel
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